Sharks test positive for cocaine off Brazil's coast

I have never represented a shark - sure some people described as sharks, but not a shark.  However, I am open to it as sharks have now tested positive for cocaine off Brazil’s coast.
Scientists with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation tested 13 Brazilian sharpnose sharks who all tested positive for the drug, and 12 out of the 13 also tested positive for benzoylecgonine, cocaine’s primary metabolite. 
Their findings, published in the journal ScienceDirect, were the first on cocaine in free-ranging sharks, and the "findings point to the potential impacts of the presence of illicit drugs in environments," researchers said. 
The researchers believe the sharks are ingesting cocaine from illegal drug labs in the area, according to BBC News. 
Last year, scientists attempted to study the effects of cocaine in sharks off the coast of Florida. 
"[Sharks have] gone up and touched it with the only thing they've got — their mouth — and taken a bite out of it. … So, it sounds crazy, but the probability of it occurring is actually quite high," marine biologist Tom "The Blowfish" Hird said of drugs that have been dropped by smugglers in the ocean. 
"If cocaine made sharks hyper and didn't put them to sleep, my personal belief would be that it would make them much more skittish. And the loud noises, things like divers in the water splashing, — all that kind of stuff — it's actually going to drive them away because it's going to act as a deterrent," he said.

First, "free range sharks?"   Compared to aquarium sharks or domestic sharks?  Seriously.  Second, you thought the United States had a drug problem, you can't even swim in the water of brazil without getting high.  If you tried to do an Ironman you would probably overdose.  However, you can not beat the nickname "the blowfish."  The only thing I ever get called is "the blowhard."

Winslow Law is happy to have Casey and Jonathon as our criminal law team.  They may even be able to get these sharks cleared, as I am sure the drug testing does not meet the statutory requirements.  Call us if you need your charges handled: 843-357-9301.

May God Bless You, Your Business, Trump, and the United States of America, 
Tom Winslow

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